Thursday, August 31, 2017

Cause Marketing and Your Business: Choosing the Right Cause

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In my last post, I outlined how both your company and the world at large could benefit from your participation in cause marketing campaigns, nonprofit partnerships, and other corporate social responsibility efforts. If this caught your eye, you may be wondering how to take the next step of identifying the cause that best fits your business.

Some brands have obvious related causes; take Burt's Bees and their campaign to save the bees or Warby Parker's work to increase access to eye care. Other notable examples include Massage Envy helping those with chronic pain and Colgate's free dental screenings and oral health education initiatives. If your business falls into this category, it should be relatively easy to begin your journey to improving the planet (and your profit margin - remember that 71% of consumers are willing to pay more for a product from a socially and environmentally responsible company, and 80% are willing to buy a product from an unknown brand if it has strong social and environmental commitments).

For others, it can be difficult to identify a relevant cause. Fortunately, it's often as simple as outlining your mission and values. The first thing you need to do when brainstorming causes with which to align your business is identify who your clients or customers are and what it is that your product or service aims to do for them. Do you sell organic food or teach yoga classes? Your ultimate goal as a company is likely to ensure the wellness of your customers, so associating with a health-related cause can underscore your commitment to theirs. Are you a store that primarily caters to women? Support for nonprofits that revolve around women's advocacy, health, and success will resonate with your customer base and demonstrate your dedication to their needs.

Remember that fit is what's most important. If the cause or organization clashes with any aspect of your business, you could end up with a lackluster campaign that falls flat with your customers or even generates backlash. Remember KFC's Buckets for the Cure? It turns out that fast food and cancer research didn't quite mesh in the minds of the general public, and neither did coffee and race relations. Learn from these "corporate fails" and take the time to choose a cause that makes sense for your business.  

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