Saturday, April 29, 2017

Amazon & Reading is Fundamental: Spreading Literacy

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Amazon recently used their platform for good by partnering with Reading is Fundamental (RIF), a nonprofit children's literacy organization that provides books to kids in low-income families by donating them to schools, Head Start programs, community centers, health clinics, migrant camps, and homeless shelters. From February to March, Amazon promoted RIF's Amazon wish list and the ability to use it to send books directly to the charity for distribution. This opportunity was extensively advertised throughout Amazon's various digital channels as well as relevant product pages, and getting the word out to their massive customer base paid off: thousands of books were donated. 

In addition to encouraging consumer action and making a difference in the lives of countless children and their families, this is a strategic marketing move for Amazon in that it reminds its customers of its humble beginnings as the first online bookstore and affirms their commitment to remembering where they came from. By dedicating their resources and utilizing their wide reach to encouraging and promoting literacy, Amazon has shown that, despite becoming a household name, they haven't strayed far from their roots.

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